Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Chihuahua Bridge

I've had a day off so after a little lie in it was time to walk the dogs before the expected rain, we headed for the wood and decided on doing the full circuit this usually takes about an hour, but as they are chopping trees down everywhere it was like a very bad hurricane had ripped through the place, trees lay across our paths and it was turning into a mini assault course.

Here we have an example of a ditch that someone had put a little bridge across, Roo decided to sit down half way across.

The rain never did arrive today but I decided I would have a trip round the shops to have a look at Halloween stuff, I did try on a couple of outfits just for fun as I have got my costume ready for the big party I'm going to.

Clues to my costume I'm based on a character from a TV show which is starting part 4 this evening I'm so very excited.........

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