I don't know why I thought printing hundreds of christmas cards wouldn't take long, but I was wrong, very wrong, and it was 12 before I realised the extent of the problem. I made a similar mistake with regard to housework shortly after, steadfastly giving up before even attempting the vacuuming. Or dinner.

I had good intentions.

The day was brightened when I popped into the supermarket for a dozen chocolate pumpkins and low quality pastry to find this little guy. Because when I think 'halloween' I think 'SOCK MONKEY' shortly followed by "PIRATE'. What embodies the eve of All Hallows' better than a small monkey that has red flashing eyes?? That shouts 'happy Halloween'?? I made a particularly good video, and put it on flickr. Frankly, it puts Hitchcock to shame.

I think I have found out whats wrong with the computer- internet browsers. Or maybe the internet? Anyway, I've not ditched my laptop plans, I've become emotionally attached to it. I've imagined buying a little expedit shelf. All jim's crap and mr Nut crap and my crap carefully stowed out of sight. The feng shui of our room altered, we stand smiling, white toothed and hopelessly blond, a scandinavian poster family for flat pack. It's amazing.

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