Tatts the way aha aha....

....I like it!

Mr A's arm is fully healed now but he's still licking the wounds of my comment that I thought the new tattoo was much thicker than the original one.

Evidently, it's the ultimate no-no to criticise a tattoo not a lot you can do about it once it's done!, but I maintain my opinion none the less.
I did also add that the newer tattoo possibly looked more prominent as it was much a bolder black than the old one.
He's obviously been thinking about what I said, as he asked me to colour in the top (original) tattoo with a felt tip to thicken the lines.
This was the result.
He's now considering having this done, with possibly more of the same over his shoulder and onto his chest. Or maybe just with a bit of shading between the existing work.
Whatever he decides, I'll be sure to blip it!

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