I did not take this photo. TallGirl, during an excessively long meeting this evening at school, borrowed my phone, climbed unadvisedly high on a gatepost and took some photos of the stunning sunset that I could only see half-reflected in a glass door. So, a stolen shot.
My day was, similarly, stolen from me. Instead of spending the day indulging in a little light packing for our trip tomorrow, perhaps some tidy-up admin of things that should be done before the holiday and, who knows, maybe even leaving the house tidy for our return... I have had the pleasure of learning how to issue invoices at school. An error part way through the process (not by me) made the whole thing take so much longer than was necessary. But finally the bills were all printed and we were able to leave. And now that it is official that the bookkeeper is NOT going to be replaced, I know I will be doing this soon on my own. And taking the flac when the bills make no sense... And all without pay.
I did manage to squeeze in some errands, including posting a very very very late birthday present about which, as I handed the parcel over in the post office, I had a sudden feeling of deja vu... Ah well. I'm sure he won't mind if he gets two presents!
Anyway. Tomorrow we leave this beautiful sunny part of the world (high 20s today and t-shirt weather) for (probably) rainy Amsterdam. But that's fine because (a) it's a holiday; (b) Mr B is there and (c) I'm told there are pancakes...
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