New Museum
Despite it being a normal school day up here (we get a holiday Monday in September just to be different) there was something of a bank holiday feel in the house this afternoon. The kids hid away from the drizzly grey weather making a very elaborate set up.
There's a zoo, a water park (3 penguins and a whale in the blue tub you see at the top of the screen), farm, airport, garage, police station and hospital - all linked by rail. There is also the sector you can see here. I puzzled over it for a while until I was told that it's the museum: old planes, historical looking people, bit of old-fashioned train track, dinosaurs. Obvious really. Ingenious for sure.
I'm in nursery tomorrow - baking beetroot muffins with a bunch of over-excited four year olds. I think I'll wear old, dark clothing. Mr B back tomorrow too.
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