
By Thepainterswife

Mama Mia.....

I could have stood all morning and listened to this guy play..he was playing his violin to recorded music, and when he did Abba's Mama Mia and also added his own dance moves every now and then it quite an entertaining piece.

He did a bit of the Rolling Stones, some Classical and others, and it was the way he was attached to his violin that made it all the more moving....
The actual market that we were at is a good Farmers one, so I had a good morning there getting veges, and a good selection of other foods.

Came home to find that the Trampoline that we had ordered for Ellas birthday had been delivered (in boxes),so Dave and I got down to putting it together....
not a good exercise for a married couple at the best of times!
Luckily my friend who had got one a few weeks ago and was therefore familiar with the whole procedure , called in after about 2hrs of us struggling and helped us with the last part of it....Dave and I are still talking to each other, just!

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