Keith B

By keibr

Icy mornings

Last night was clear and cold (-4C) and the first 3 or 4 cm of water in the butts froze. It's supposed to get warmer again next week but last year I left it too late to empty the butts and one of them cracked. This year I'm taking no chances and they are now empty and upside down.
The real differences in the seasons is something I have always loved about Sweden. The differences between winter and summer so great that you have to prepare, much more so than in England where I grew up. Now the preparations are complete. The potatoes are all picked, the leeks are chopped and frozen, the apples have been turned into chutney, the garden furniture is away, the water butts are empty. The lawnmower will rest the next six months. The first snow has fallen and sometime in the next couple of months the snow will come and stay.
I love the winter!

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