Pirate Sid

It's so easy to forget how hectic life is in a family with two small boys of 5 and 2; all that bathing, dressing and feeding; all the playing of games and sorting out of squabbles; all the bedtime story reading; all the endless washing.

How lucky then to be the aged visiting grandparents who are, for the most energy consuming tasks, allowed to take a back seat and observe from a respectable distance.

But there were games to be played after breakfast with rules that were tricky and which His Lordship and I never quite understood.

Then we were allowed to take time out with a visit to Salt's Mill and a blipmeet with MsGable, while HL made himself scarce. So long did she and I linger over our coffees that when we met up with him again he thought the cafe was in danger of charging us for board and lodgings. It was lovely to see her again and hear each other's news.

This evening the parents are being sent out to eat and enjoy themselves while we babysit, but I recognise the symptoms of being overtired, so their spell of freedom might not be enjoyed to the full.

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