
By Houseonahill6

Forever Autumn

We collected my Mum and Dad from their holiday home and then had a lovely breakfast in the White cottage, well lovely except for the baked beans -Yuk can only eat them on toast and they were not part of the 5 piece breakfast listed.
We watched the dolphins in the firth before driving along the road next to the Beauly Firth. Plenty of birds about as the tide was right in including whooper swans, oyster catchers, goosanders and curlew. Geese were feeding in the fields with the sheep.
After dropping my Mum and Dad at the airport we went to the beach near Fort George a 'desert' (flock) of lapwings flew over. It was very peaceful, just one man and a spaniel and a man in a kayak.
We also went to Whin park where the leaves were really starting to change colour. We had nt been there before but it was a nice place to walk and a lovely place for kids to play.
I liked this little blue bridge where some black headed gulls were resting.

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