
By SNDavies

Okay day in work, felt much better compared to yesterday where I was struggling to get used to working in the new room and coming across new adaptations to techniques. Assessment is next Friday, can't say I'm looking forward. Nick did his on Friday and got 90% which after moderation was 84%. I'd love to get a similarly high mark, I just don't think it's going to happen.

Came home to find the toilet has been fixed, it was moved further out by 5 inches and there's now a proper seal on it which means it won't be leaking any more. Lee also boxed the pipework in so it's neater and Craig is talking about tiling it himself, with his Dads help. Slowly getting everything done!

Sat with Minerva for an hour once I got home. She's definitely settling in more & was more confident with me today. I've taken to sitting with my legs straight out on the bed and a large cushion placed on my lap. She then sits on that and the cushion protects me from her needle-like claws when she kneads!

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