Pictures by Ahti's dad

By hevosmies

Ahmo disc golf park

I played a round at Ahmo disc golf park at Siilinjärvi for the first time. I liked the course a lot. There's quite a lot of forest. Some of the tracks are somewhat long. At least part of the tracks are more challenging than at Peikkometsä, where I've been playing most.

Every time while playing this autumn it's been a windy weather. Today it was worse than ever. The course itself would've been challenge enough for me. The wind made the round a disaster. I played a few good and some tolerable tracks but too many throws were poor. I was quite pissed off at moments though I also enjoyed playing occasionally.

When I had finished the round I still had time to revisit a few tracks. I did considerable improvement. Especially on the second track. It's thrown to steep uphill and the only routes to goal pass through a narrow space between trees. I managed to get the disc through with a thumb roller. The disc took a lucky bounce from the ground and landed about ten metres from the goal. I did a birdie, finishing the par 3 track with just two throws as I succeeded with a putt from ~ 10 metres.

Managing better with the last few tracks I left home happy. But the difference between a good and a bad throw is still way too great. And good throws occur too rarely. But it's going to improve just with more throws.

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