Weird world of Zebedee

By zed


Today we went to the Kempton steam museum to see a thing about the titanic it was...
Then we went on a tour of the museum, on the second floor mum decided she was afraid of heights and went galumphing back downstairs, then me and gulli tried to go downstairs as well because the tour was insanely boring but mummy would not stand for that... she said we were not allowed to waste tickets that other people could have had instead of us so we had to go.
but I just hung over the balcony and talked to dad about how boarding it was (: the I went down stairs and we watched a long documentary about the titanic and then we left...
On the way home we stopped off at the local vet who were having an open day.
And there was FOOD!
So we all pigged in on the sausages and sweets and stuff then I won some play dough and a water bottle for dogs on a tombola... Then we went home and I went to sleeeeeeep.......

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