
By ppqwhite

Down Memory Lane

Whirlwind day trip today. Firstly to Glasgow to pickup up Grandma then to Alloway for lunch at my sister's house. We then sauntered round the corner to Rozelle Park where the annual Save the Children art exhibition was being held.

This exhibition always holds mixed emotions for me. It was here, twelve years ago, my three sisters, brother and I clubbed together to buy an Ed Hunter painting to mark our forthcoming parents 40th wedding anniversary. Two weeks before their big anniversary my Dad died suddenly. I loved and still do love the painting which holds a special place in our hearts and on Mum's dining room wall.

My sister, Carolyn, is exhibiting two paintings in this exhibition. I think I'm right in saying you need to be invited to exhibit so it's brilliant she has two paintings. Art is something she does as a hobby over and above her day to day job as a lawyer (she is the brains and arty one of the family ;) )

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