Bad day for our tree

Over the summer a bit of our tree came down in a high wind. Missed my truck unfortunately, but it rather condemned the rest of it.

Finally got a conscience a couple of weeks ago about having it brought down as one of the remaining big branches was severely weakened by the loss of the other branch. And these branches are in fact big trunks. Even if the remaining trunks were ok now, the tree would start rotting it's main lower trunk fairly quickly. Losing that trunk over the summer sealed it's fate. Tecnically the tree sealed it's fate about 75 years ago when it V itself early on.

Today was day zero for it. Probably 80 year old tree but it's time was up unfortunately.

The head tree cutting guy pointed out that it did in fact have maybe a couple of days before it fell over itself - which was slightly annoying as my $800 bill would reduce to $400 if it had. No longer was it reckoned that a "good breeze" would bring it down, we're now talking "any breeze" would have brought it down.

Have to admit that they took this tree down fast. It's not an AxeMen thing where the whole thing falls over, they have to take it down bit by bit.

And the chipper was a piece of work as well. They fed bits of trunk that were 3 feet wide into the chipper and it munched it! Never seen anything like it. Apparently the chipper costs $70,000!

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