
This is my bowab, Mahmood. He lives in a small area on the ground floor of our apartment block and his job is to help out the residents with anything they need. This might take the form of trip to the shops to get some water, or to help with any problems to do with maintenance. He is paid 100 LE (about £10) a month by each resident in the building. Our landlord paid for our first month as a courtesy, which I didn't realise Mahmood popped round to request his first payment (it Larissa that pointed it out over the phone after). I'm not sure whether or not Mahmood realised he has now been paid twice, but he earned the benefit of the doubt by being an extremely likeable and friendly chap.

Today, a new ironing-board (which doesn't smell) was delivered, the AC was fixed, the wardrobe in the spare room was shifted in the main bedroom, the living-room furniture was rearranged and the floor was given a good clean and spray (with some Raid that was fetched from the shop). All these things were done by myself and some very helpful people who work for my landlord.

Mahood sat on the sofa and watched Mad Max on the telly. This is going to be the start of a wonderful working relationship.

(In case you missed it, you can follow my first week in Cairo by clicking here.)

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