
By samsticks

Feline Fancies

Zelda is being really clingy at the moment. I've trodden on one paw or another about 10 times in the last couple of weeks, she's just desperate for attention and is always around my feet. What with illness, Miles, and crazy work hours, she's probably right in demanding it.

Miles absolutely loves her and squeals with joy whenever she walks into the room. This could be a fantastic arrangement, except that Miles hasn't quite worked out how to be gentle, and Zelda has caught on and doesn't hand around for too long.

Shame really.

No matter - I've been making sure that she gets lots of attention for the last few days. I thought that this shot showed how attractive a cat she is, what with her green eyes!

Aside from that we had the bad news today (which we'd been expecting), that we're not going to be able to move into the house that we bought until March. Ever since auction day (most house are sold at auction here in Aussie), we've been trying to negotiate with the tenants for them to leave before their contract is up. They are three 20-something skater boys, and have been terrible in responding to correspondence. We've offered them considerable financial incentive and had heard nothing.

Today, I'd had enough and just went round and knocked on the door. They've decided that they want to be in there for the summer, mainly because of the skate ramp that they've built in the garden. I have no comment on that, it is an almighty skate ramp. It's just a shame that it's in what will become my garden in a month! To say that it's tainting our excitement would be an understatement.

In other news, Gina is now throwing up. Looks like she's finally succumbed to Miles' gastro.

Life is just relentless at the moment. Can't wait to see the back of 2013 (The Llittle Goblin aside, of course... but he was conceived in 2012!)!

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