
By Mellimeldisiel

A Visit From Mummy

So, today my mother came over and took us out for lunch on the way to pick up a friend from the airport. It was lovely to see her and get a proper 'mummy cuddle'! Friend's are all well and good but, as far as hugs go, mum's are simply the best!

It's a little bit sad that I've moved away, and I don't get to see my family often for weeks at a time, but it's all part of growing up and, as much as I may not like it, I know I have to do it. And three years on from moving out, it seems like no time at all, and I'm actually enjoying it. Planning skiing holidays and things, though, is getting me excited!

The picture today is from the beautiful Japanese restaurant we had lunch in, sitting in basically a pond with no water that our feet were dangling into. It was pretty cool, and the food was gorgeous!

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