Vic and Darren (+2)

By vicanddarren

Back to School tomorrow.

Well actually I went in today to sort out the walls in my room. I have also decided to throw educational caution to the wind and have my classes sitting in groups.... oooo I here you gasp, how radical.

A few things still need doing, like some colouring-in (well I am a Geography teacher). This is part of my admin staff kindly filling in my wall chart for the year with the school holidays. Got to get the priorities right, only 38 working days till half-term.

Tomorrow is a 'professional development' day so lots of meetings and exam analysis. I have decided to sod all the politics this year and rather than put my finger in every pie possible I am going to keep my head down and avoid any 'extra' stuff. Could be time to move on soon, I hear crystal-blue-Atlantic-perfect-surf calling. It has been calling for the best part of two decades now, everything comes to he who waits. Just need to wait a bit longer... ;-)

Remember kids work to live not live to work.


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