
By PaulShelley

Moment of Madness

The rug mafia get their claws into you at some point in your Turkish trip. There is no escape, even though you think you will evade their advances.

A tour of a carpet weaving mill was sprung on us. "I am happy to look but have no intention of buying anything" I confidently explained as we entered the first room where the carpet weaving was in operation. Then the silk worm room. And so on until we were ushered in to the showroom.

To cut a long story short I ended up haggling for this Kandinski rug and getting a two-for-one bargain.

But hang on! I didn't want it!

Now it is back at home and we are wondering where we are going to hang it (it has loops for hanging on the wall).

So the moral of the story is , when you are in Turkey being guided into a carpet emporium, tell them you are skint. Leave your credit card in the hotel and show them your empty wallet. Turn out your pockets to prove you have only got small change. You will either get a rug for tuppence or be politely booted out of the building.

Anyone want to make me an offer for a genuine woven Kandinski?

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