Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

shit shot................

well it is but then this lot weren't too keen on having a pic taken.........also the fact that i have been asked not to produce my camera at work.
i work for the probation service and they don't want people to knowing too much about the staff and where we work (as in specific office) for obvious reasons.......still it goes a long way to explaining why some fuckwit set fire to the big wheelie bins outside our office today. a disgruntled customer perhaps? who cares. either become better at your chosen criminal career so you don't get caught or..and i know this may be a bit controversial...........stop fecking doing it!
i could go on at great length here having been involved in or with the criminal justice system for some years but whats the point? we all know that it doesn't work and we all have our own personal opinions on how it could be better..........me, i'd like to see chain gangs brought back and actually make.........no you see how easy it is to start.
still, at least todays pic has a little something for the ladies (eg. the fireman) and it probably does something for a few of you guys out there too.

i would like to say a big thank you to those of you who dropped by yesterday to say welcome back................it's nice to have been missed. either that you have all got very polite all of a sudden. hope to be back to being a bit more creative tomorrow........today i'll just settle for stringing two blips in a row together.

take it easy folks.............

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