Causeway Closed

Things have been getting busy the last few days. I forgot I'd shot this one of the sign just north of the Great Western Highway main intersection at Mt Victoria. This sign, along with its road blocks, is preventing traffic from taking the Darling Causeway.

The road, which runs the length of a narrow ridge separating the Hartley and Grose Valleys has been subject to fire for several days now. The community at the other end of the Causeway has been asked to evacuate. They can't travel east to Sydney because the Bells Line of Road is also closed to traffic. Evacuees can only travel west to Lithgow, which itself is partly surrounded by fire. Residents of Mt Wilson and Mt Irvine are isolated by fire now. They will have to wait it out.

This message is the second half. The first half simply flashes "Causeway Closed"

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