A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

What Came First?

The wood pigeon or the egg?

Look what I found on the lawn whilst tending to the garden. I noticed a bird of prey in the garden last weekend, believing it to be a sparrowhawk perhaps, & so I was wondering whether he might have something to do with this empty egg shell?.. A quick Google search has revealed though that this is most likely a wood pigeon egg, & as they lay their eggs in September, this seems quite likely indeed.

It must have fallen from the big tree behind, or possibly it was carried from the nest by a parent pigeon. I did investigate the base of the tree & found a chunk of red meet sitting on a stump there - I think the brothers next door must be feeding the bird of prey - hopefully I'll get a chance to snap it.

Jenny's been suffering with a stinking cold & has been sofa-bound all day, too sickly even to knit - work's not looking promising tomorrow. I've been pottering around doing bits & bobs, watched Leeds United dominate a 4-0 against Birmingham, & rustled up a Shepherd's Pie for our visitors tomorrow. It's a chilled Sunday after all, & so we settled down this evening to watch William Holden & Audrey Hepburn in Paris When it Sizzles. A fun, colourful & zany film for sure.

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