Scenes from my desk

By alaistairsdesk

Not very interesting day

Nothing interesting really happened today...mainly deskbound writing.

So following yesterday's theme, I though I'd clarify details for Mags on how to get to the moon. I dug out my Haynes Owwner's Workshop Manual! Essentially, you need an Apollo spacecraft (technically, the teeny top two parts), and something to get you to escape velocity (about 17,500mph) - preferrably a Saturn V rocket (not to be confused with an Apollo spacecraft - which I clarified earlier).

The engines are five F1 engines from my model Saturn V that I got for Father's day - you can see how far I've got building it.

Went to a info evening with L for Oxford up at the school (aye - some chance L!). A guy from admissions was speaking. So apart from academic stuff, they need to have outside interest inthe subject (and that's not just the physics of X-Box games).

Usual over anxious Lenzie parents...(you know the type). And questions at the end such as "Is this information on your web site?"!!!!! Well dear, I don't think your offspring has much chance of getting in, going on their base genetic material then.

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