
By Oceanspirit

The path to Durdle Door

Decided to go to Durdle Door and Lulworth Cove today to have lunch, take a walk and try to capture some images of this stunning part of Dorset. Had a great lunch at the Red Lion in Winfrith and despite the weather coming in we decided to brave it and make our way down to Durdle Door.

So glad I'd decided to put a waterproof cover on the camera. We got half way down the beach path (as far as you can see on this picture) and the rain came down. As the path was slippy and it was extremely windy, we decided to call it a day and walk back to the car, but not before we got soaked to the skin, still laughing at how mad we were. The water was running down the path like a river.

We then drove on to Lulworth Cove as the rain stopped and the sun came out. You'd have thought it was a completely different day. The British weather certainly keeps you on your toes and is never dull!!!

Another fantastic day with Mr Lovely - thank you!! Don't think I've laughed as much in the last 10 years as I have in the last year!!!! xx <3

“The past is already gone, the future is not yet here. There's only one moment for you to live, and that is the present moment”

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