
Up early this morning to take the car in for a bit more financial mechanical tweaking. Sat reading gossipy women's mags to the point of vomiting. Just in time car was ready.
Home to pick up the Mother and load the boot up with newspapers and plastic bread bags!! They get taken up to the SPCA for their use - the papers in whelping boxes etc and the plastic bread bags make good poop bags.
Daily coffee at the Otago Museum where there is an exhibition from Shanghai Museum that I had been wanting to see. Exhibit mostly to do with textiles and ornamentation. Very interesting. Shanghai is Dunedin's sister city and we often have exhibits from them.
Home for lunch and soon a Nana-nap!!
It is raining on and off. Forecast is for more of the wet stuff over the next couple of days. Typical spring weather. Not cold though so it is all good.

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