Adventure World

3years 347days

Another on our "big days out" list today. Adventure World. Absolutely AMAZING. Fantastic kids rides were the first destinations of the day- a pirate ship, a mini rollercoaster, tea cups and more. Lots of posing with crazy dragons and fairy statues. But the children could not be persuaded for very long to do much other than play on the incredible water parks. There are 6 different water parks all together. There was a great climbing frame kids' one, a rapids, a play pool, a giant main frame with water canons, massive slides and things, and a wonderful huge pool. It was amazing. Katie loved the rapids best - as blipped. The day required many stops for food as they were charging at a rate of knots. I took each of the three of them in turn on to the large rapids slides - one of about 7 different water rides. I even got to go on two adult rides myself! Fantastic day out.

After we'd left the park, we introduced Katie to a further Aussie tradition. The park-side sausage sizzle. In every park, by all the beaches, and in random destinations, there are free gas barbecues to use. So the children played in the park, watched and fed the black swans as the sun set, and we barbecued sausages. A rather idyllic evening. Piled into pyjamas, given warmed milk, they all three were sound asleep within minutes.

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