Kings Park

3years 349days

Uncle Chris and I took Katie and Eden back to Kings Park today. We barely scratched the surface yesterday. Today we went to the huge Australian botanics. We started though going through the war memorials. Every tree in the park is dedicated to a fallen Australian soldier. There is a huge cenotaph on the top of the hill, visible from most of the city. There is a large marble memorial to soldiers. There is a burning memorial for the WWI battles. Katie was asking questions about all of it.

We then walked through the different areas of the botanical gardens, filled with the stunning native flowers. Katie's favourites were "the pink ones and the ones that looked like corn on the cobs". We took them to feed the ducks, although they were very uninterested ducks. They chased in the spray of a large water feature. They had a big snack. We then took them over the glass bridge, and through the woodland walkway. We went through the garden dedicated to Australian suffragettes, with beautiful art work.

We hunted the statue lizards and frogs before having a really yummy late lunch in the stunning Frasers, complete with a very good babyccino for Katie (she was impressed as it has both chocolate and marshmallow with it!). We watched a wedding ceremony in the middle of the park before taking the girls home, via a seriously good ice cream from Subiaco. We passed the weekend farmer's market there and made a stop at the huge camera store in Leederville for mummy.

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