Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Hazy Redhead

I took the Hs to Redhead for a walk this evening. It was a gorgeous warm evening and there were many people out and about walking their dogs or swimming. There was also the usual assortment of surfers. Because of the fires there is a lot of smoke haze around and the sun was blood red.

Hamish here is about to find that spot on the beach where a dead shearwater has rested to roll in. There must have been a terrible storm out to sea because there have been so many birds washed up on the beaches. Rotten is an odour he loves to apply liberally. The only good thing is that he usually then runs straight back into the sea. There was also a lot of charcoal washed up too which was probably from the fires around Catho.

My thoughts are with the Blue Mountains people who are not out of danger yet. The biggest fire is still out of control up there and bad weather (hot and windy) is forecast.

My apologies in my poor commenting. I am shattered now which I attribute to my first day back at work and jet lag. I am off to bed but am hoping I am feeling more like myself soon so I can do a proper catch up.

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