
By PaulShelley

Observations on Tourism, Pt.1

There are so many people at the most popular sites. Stating the obvious perhaps but you feel like a battery chicken queuing to see the next stone cave church. Everybody waits patiently on the steps while the previous batch stare at the frescos. And then you move on to the next one which is pretty much the same as the previous one. And then the one after that, and so on.

There are about 18 stone churches dating from around 1100 ad at Goreme Open Air Museum. And yes, they are brilliant. But it seems to me that these big feature sites are attracting more people than they can cope with and you come away wondering whether you are enjoying it or you would be getting more out of sitting in a café and people watching.

The answer to that one is (probably) "yes". But you don't know that till you have been on the conveyor belt.

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