This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost


I am going to eat this as my breakfast until the end of time.

*** Okay what has been going on here. I think I am finally caught in my journal. I seem to have not taken a picture the day I left Edinburgh on September 12th and I seem to also have a gap on October 1 and 15th. So three gaps since setting foot back in the states, since photography has really not been on my mind and I am amazed that I actually have so few gaps I am pretty pleased. It is funny, how this really does become part of your life. I do feel off balance when I don't post here and then wait to catch up days or weeks later. I don't comment or check in half as much as I used to or some days not at all and I am sorry for that as I value the relationships I have made here so much. If it weren't for blip my life would be totally different right now in all ways practically so I am very happy it is part of my world no matter how I might neglect it. I just hope if you are my friend on here you know it and if you have made the time to say hello when I was in Scotland or England either or both times I was there I am grateful and so pleased to know you and consider you a friend. You all play a huge part in my love for the United Kingdom and in my ability to consider moving there in the future. Stewart is the bees knees of course but you all are the flowers in the garden. Thanks for saying hello when you do.

I hope to remember to take more and better photos... oh remember the days...
There are plenty of etherghosts here now and I quite like being me.

Until the next click of my ipod touch or canon, I hope you are all well and happy.

Note to self: Remember to write down more than a sentence with your photos you silly sausage!


----------------------------------------------------------------------> I miss you Evie ---------->

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