An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Sixty-five Sleeps...

I think you know what I'm saying ;-)

Some of the C*******s decks I ordered a couple of weeks ago have started to arrive. I never normally buy decs this close to the festive season, preferring to get them in the January sales or during the summer, as I refuse to pay full price for them, but these were a fab deal so I couldn't resist.

I also started my Christmas shopping last night. Oh how I love the internet. So easy. No roasting hot shops or long queues to contend with, just sitting with my feet up, G&T to hand, browsing then click to buy. Sorted. Didn't buy much but it's a start. I have of course lulled myself into a false sense of security and will no doubt still be panicking come December!

Braved the local trendy hair salon today and got my hair cut by a child a very young lady. She was fab though. Friendly and chatty but without all the usual hairdressing clichés AND she gave the best head massage I've had in years. I played safe so still have the shortish bob but I like the way she has cut it, slightly more layers as I asked, so will definitely be back.

So busy Christmas shopping last night I forgot to do my Tesco order so about to do it now before making egg and chips for dinner. Yes, that's what we're reduced to!

Hope to have a bit of a blip catch up later. Happy Monday Peeps :) xx

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