Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Part one

So I've done some work on the photo lectures. This is part of part 1, well minus the lamp... didn't see it when I took the photo. I have no idea right now of what I'm doing, it feels like. I have done some parts of part 2 and 3 also... but how do I decide what's important and what's not...? Right now I have several examples of how to take photos in natural light. Being a nature photographer, that's what I mostly do... And then there's the part about portraits, that I basically know nothing about. I'm just fumbling around... I have a plan, though... To boil an egg and paint a face on it... then use that as a 'face' to show different kinds of comp for portraits... take photos, of course, and have some fun with it. What do you think? Good or bad idea?
Then I have a photo'fika' to go to and practice good and bad ways to take portraits... Hopefully my photo friends will not be scared now... ;)

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