'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri

Tired Monday

The blip is of one of my wall cabinets, that arrived with the rest of the stuff in August. I only noticed the daddy longleg when I looked at the photo. He was promptly removed from the corner, but I decided to keep him in the blip. For no reason really, just sommer.

I felt a bit absent today. Maybe I slept too much after yesterday's cycling.

I'm doing a Pitman course in HTML for which the work pays - very nice of them. Everyting is done online following their instructions & connecting remotely to their desktop. For some reason I cannot connect to their desktop from our home computer & they do not seem to be very helpful - to look into it they can remotely connect to our computer during office hours, well I'm at work during office hours aren't I? Today I had spare time at work & did a bit of "website design", but when I wanted to save it as instructed my screen looked totally different from theirs & I did not have the folder to save it in - I saved it in a random spot that looked easy to find again.

When I wanted to look at the page on the "web" as instructed, my browser screen looked totally different to theirs and instead of working offline a google seach page opened. I found the page though. Hope it's not published on the real web. That would be a useless piece of non- information taking up cyber space.

We had pizza for tea. With tea & salad.

Was a pleasant day weather wise.

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