Swimming .....

..... goggles.

Monday evenings over the winter usually mean circuit training with the harriers for me, but since going over on my ankle two weeks ago I've not been able to do any exercise. I've been thinking about starting back to swimming on a regular basis for a while now, Wednesdays used to be my swimming night but they morphed in to cake nights.

My ankle is still swollen and not very mobile but I figured it should be ok for swimming if I do front crawl and don't move my legs too much. I gave Mr P a call as we'd previously discussed starting back to swimming together and he drove the both of us down to the pool this evening. Last time I went swimming my old goggles were barely in one piece so I treated myself to a new pair ( blipped ) and Mr P loaned me his swimming float to keep my legs afloat.

It's been over a year since I last went swimming and as tonight I was only using my arms to do front crawl for about an hour I expect my arms, shoulders and chest moobs are going to ache a bit tomorrow. Importantly though my ankle wasn't too painful so I'm going to start going swimming a few times a week until my ankle is strong enough to get back to running again.

I took this photo of my new goggles when I got back home just before I had my shower to wash the chlorine smell off. I decided not to blip the photo I accidentally took as I stood up and slipped setting the cable release off that one was more goolies than goggles, so today's blip is the new .....

..... Swimming goggles.

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