Man at Work

Now Chandru finally makes an appearance on my Blip! Now this is in “man at work” mode, sorting out the floorball practices for the next week or so. And yes, I am as I said before, a member of said team so it is pretty nice to get the inside lowdown on what is occurring over the next few weeks! But that was not the reason I was round at his flat, as he had promised me (and delivered!) some amazing French vanilla coffee. Just what I needed after an early start, beginning my day with a speaking class. Pretty much the only time we get to speak in French, but it is only for an hour which is rather upsetting. Going from speaking French near-constantly to not really at all is still a strange experience.

Today was, as ever, a bit of a rush. Two hours of floorball sandwiched between two seminars is always fun, but I’m glad I get to do it! So instead of wittering on, I’m just going to give you the transcript of a video I just watched, made me think a little bit:-

These are roughly 28, 835 jelly beans. In this pile there is one jelly bean for each day the average American will live. You might have more beans in your life, or maybe less, but on average this is the time we have. Here is a single bean. It’s your very first day. A special day, but a kind of rough day on everyone involved. Add 364 more and you have the first year of your life. Now for a sense of scale, here are your first fifteen years. 5,475 days. Which brings us to the threshold of adulthood. And at that moment this is the time that we have left. And this is, on average, what we will do with all that time:-
- We will be asleep for a total 8,477 days. If we’re lucky, some of the time will be sleeping next to someone we love.
- We will be in the process of eating, drinking, or preparing food for 1,635 days.
- We will be at work, hopefully doing something satisfying, for the equivalent of 3,202 of those days.
- 1,099 days will be spent commuting or travelling from one place to another.
- On average we will watch television in one form or another for a total of 2,676 days.
- Household activities, like chores and tending to our pets and shopping will take another 1,576 days.
- We will care for the needs and well-being of others, our friends and family, for 564 days.
- We will spend 671 days bathing, grooming, and doing all other bathroom related activities.
- Another 720 days will go to community activities like religious or civic duties, charities and taking classes

After we remove all those beans, this is what remains. This is the time that we have left. 2,740 beans. Time for laughing, swimming, making art, going on hikes, text messages, reading, checking Facebook, playing softball, maybe even teaching yourself to play guitar. So what are you going to do with this time? How much of it do you think you’ve already used up? If you only had half of it, what would you do differently? What about half of that? How much of that time have you spent worrying rather than doing something that you love? What if you just had one more day? What are you going to do today?

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