
Remember my entry last thursday memorizing my youngest daughters birthday and my missing her?
Yesterday I suddenly received loads of phone calls telling me to watch a mayor talk show on television as there's a new man in her life....

Of course I looked - as did my 87 year old mother - and we spotted them happy together in the audience, just before the nice guy next to her was about to be interviewed on his achievement.

Why was he the talkshow's guest?

He's been elected as THE nr1 Dance DJ in the world, and that makes him the youngest bloke ever to win that title.
(A well deserved reward for his - and his parents - endless effort in introducing his sound to the public since he was 14 years old and wasn't even officially allowed to enter the clubs in which he preformed!)

If you recognized him... Yes, he's DJ Hardwell.
(If you haven't...Watch that name - or watch the trailer of his film - for you'll hear his name a lot in the near future!)

I'd like to congratulate him upon his Top of the World achievement, but.... most of all I congratulate him with having the nicest girlfriend in the world, my daughter!

I'm a damn proud father of both my daughters. But a concerned one too, I sincerely hope they remain themselves in the even crazier world they are entering since this title.
As you might understand from my revelation on her birthday I truly hope my mother and I will be granted the opportunity to meet them one day soon.

* This journal is my personal diary, so I sometimes also share pretty personal highs and lows.

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