
By sleepyduck

Grays of George Street

Red has already blipped Gray's today... But this is my journal and this is my blip :-)

I heard about the planned closure of Grays on Reporting Scotland last night. The BBC's coverage of the story is here.

I can't remember the last time I went into Grays, so I can't say that I'm going to miss it in practical terms - but I shall be sad to see it go. It isn't quite the last of the traditional independent shops on George Street - Hamilton & Inches is still there next door - but there is less and less of the Old Edinburgh left in the city centre.

This blip is in memory of those we have lost:

- The Edinburgh Bookshop
- Martin & Frost
- Waterston's the stationers
- Aitken & Niven

... and no doubt many others I can't think of right now.

What with Red blipping Gray's and Mr Smith blipping this, I'm feeling a little redundant today :-) Maybe I can just get others to blip for me...

Other news - my copy of Snow Leopard has arrived, so I'm going to treat my Mac to a nice new operating system.

Not too long till the weekend now.

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