Michs memoirs

By mdemaat

The week started early. We were supposed to do our final presentation this morning but because of problems with computers and printers, we got a nextension till next week. Though with the current never ending workload, I would have preferred to have gotten it out of the way.

Together with Ida, Charlotte, Ben and Andrew, we went to subway, just around the corner from university, for lunch. My first ever subway! It was good. Wouldn't say amazing though... It was just a sandwich.
All of us pretty full, and could have in principle all taken a nap, walked slowly (emphasis on slowly) back to university for our first lesson of 'team building' - basically sounds like we'll just be playing games for the whole duration of the module. Sure enough we entered the room, greeted by a fairly energetic lecturer, and about 40 colourful wheely chairs with little desks attached to them and a basket type thing underneath to store your bag as you're wheeling about. This seemed to be promising. I was probably a little too excited with these chairs though, but they were pretty cool.
The rest of the 4 hours was pretty much spent networking, getting to know each other and watching bits of Appollo 13.

I had a little while between class and going to teach english, so met up with a friend and we just went to a park nearby for a bit.
The English lesson after went well. I stayed a while longer because she was struggling with some things and had an exam coming up.

I got arrived home shattered later on. Had dinner, and continued with some more work.

Just wanted to say, Happy 21st Coralie! Hope you've had an amazing day! Lots of love and a big birthday squeeze. x

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