
Henna art.

Tonight was our Eid party at school. Even though Eid was actually last week, but the celebration for students needed to be this evening due to the timing of our half term and such like.

Anyway, as ever, it was a colourful and fun occasion, with our girls coming in traditional dress - beautiful, bright, wonderfully gorgeous dresses. Our female staff also dressed for the occasion in traditional dress too (apart from me because I just forgot to get organised!).

We had performances, quiz show, singing and two of our girls doing a Bollywood style dance which was just ace.

The best bit is actually seeing our children, across the age range, across the ability range, from such a wide variety of cultures and ethnic backgrounds, just having fun, pitching in together and dancing along to Gangnam Style. We are such a great community - that is another thing that education is about. Human beings, being human, together.

I missed last year's party as I was in recovery from surgery number 1. Before that, I have usually attended. I am glad I was there tonight even though it did result in me having a bit of a bust up with someone who I didn't want to have a bust up with! It's been sorted now and I hope that I am forgiven for my mouth opening without the brain going into gear first!

This is my hand - it's really difficult to take a photo of your own hand, even with the camera on a tripod!

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