The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

Alva Crackhouse

Couldn't resist a shot of this as I was walking past. I've taken this one before, but The streetlight was bust giving me a 3 minute exposure for torch fun and I have a better light painting camera now.

Talking of better cameras, I sold my Panasonic LX1 yesterday for £50 and picked up a Canon G7 for the same amount on fleabay - should get it by the weekend. The LX1 has been great fun and I'll definitely get a later one in the series in the future, but I've always wanted a Canon G series camera since the G1 came out. The G7's the runt of the litter in some respects as it doesn't do RAW and doesn't have the flip-out screen on the other models, but a pretty awesome camera for less than the price of a One Direction ticket... Comes with an 8gb card and retro leather case too.

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