From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

The windmills of your mind....

What a tedious day it's been! I think today should have been cancelled dure to lack of interest really. it rained all day and I know that doesn't matter when you are working from home but it's so downright depressing! Even the squirrels are a bit fed up and as for the birds gazing morosely at me through the front window out of my bush, they looked fed up too.

Work was fine, if very quiet. Just as well as I didn't sleep at all last night and heard my Committee clock in the hall downstairs bonging every quarter hour throughout the night until it was time to get up. Oh well, at least I was resting my eyes. If only you could actually unplug your mind or pull it out and leave it on the bedside table with glasses and phone overnight, I'm sure that would sort out most sleep troubles! Knowing my luck, I'd get out of bed in the middle of the night to go to the loo, knock my teeny tiny mind to the floor trying to find the light switch and stand on it! Or it would be half eaten by spiders.....

Tesco Man came at the usual time. He had a face so miserable my milk was going off as he walked up. I wasn't tempted to take a picture of him today at all.

I'm afraid it has to be this cheeky so and so again caught between the showers.

The only thing that really made me laugh today was being asked to order this mouse today for one of the Web team following a Health and Safety assessment. It comes in three sizes (small, medium and large) depending on the size of your hand. I don't think I want one. It looks a bit like The Gherkin to me but a slightly bent version. It's meant to be good at guarding against carpal tunnel syndrome which many IT workers suffer with.

Track? This is a bit sad as Noel Harrison died today, heart attack I believe, I heard on the radio - The Windmills Of Your Mind

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