Capital adventures

By marchmont


Bad weather on Thursday had been forecast all week and they weren't wrong. It was very overcast when we got up and as the wind rose the rain started. It was very heavy, bouncing off the sea.

The bay we were in wasn't sheltered so we made for the shelter of the bay beside Ucagiz. It was very squally and the rain came over in waves. Every time we thought it was over there was another downpour and force 5 or 6. One of the group, S, is an experienced sailor and crews in the Caribbean so she gave us that estimate. The loungers were brought in and the most of the plastic sides lowered.

We got to the sheltered bay but just as lunch was served an even worse onslaught of wind and rain meant all hands on deck to shift food and plates and zip up the remaining screens. You by his face that the captain was worried. There were quite a few boats, yachts and gulets, sheltering beside us all straining on their anchors.

That was us for the day. I sewed and chatted. The forecast wasn't good, stormy weather till Sunday and there was desultory chat about alternatives for getting us off the gulet and back to Dalaman on Monday. But our cook still gave us a great dinner. The rain had abated a bit and we sat on the enclosed deck listening to Channel 16. There was a boat in distress. We heard later it had sunk. B is involved with Aldeburgh Lifeboats, luckily we didn't need rescued.

By 11 the crew wanted us out of the way so they could put the lights out and see the weather. We went to bed. They settled in for a long night on watch.

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