Capital adventures

By marchmont

Gemiler and Lykia World

After a day of indolence yesterday it was good to be on the move again and on calm seas. I was up early again, the moonlight was shining in my cabin. I missed yesterday's sunrise and moonset and today the moon didn't set, it just faded over Rhodes and the sun didn't appear till later as we were beside higher mountains. I was looking for Lykia World, where we spent such a great holiday in October 1999, our last as a family of 5 and where #1 son got drunk and passed out and where he did an Elvis impression in one of the shows. And where we had hammams in the 'adults only' spa and watched the sun set over Rhodes. I must look out the photos. And it was there just east of Gemiler and clearly visible from the shore. Nostalgia.

Patara is where St Nicholas was born, Gemiler was where he lived and was a stopping off point for the Crusades. there are ruined churches, graves and a tunnel to the shore. And fantastic views from the top. We were up and back by 11.

The boat traders were back, pancakes being made on a boat at breakfast and then ice cream and fruit. The sea was so calm and so clear and so warm. I could have stayed but after lunch we left to come closer to Fethiye and moor in Tarzan Bay, chillier and windier.

It took ages to find a parking space in Fethiye marina. near the end of the season and a lot of boats are in for the winter. Free time in Fethiye meant buying loads of Lokum. I got a bit carried away and then a g and t beside the harbour.

Our last dinner was sea bass, my favourite. Unfortunately there was another disagreement about what did and didn't happen. when will I learn to keep my mouth shut? About expectations really. Mine were met. Others weren't. Strangely, I wasn't upset.

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