
By cowgirl

Such fun!

I don't know why we bother buying toys for the cats ( well, I don't but Sav likes to! ) when they're happy chasing shoe laces and feathers. Arfa likes to have some human input to his mornings, being chased is one of his favourite games. Then he pretends we've cornered him so's we can pretend we're roughing him up and he can pretend to attack us! Sav's got two weeks off so has more time to play and brought the pheasant feather out for a game this morning.

Dreadful storms in the night again. I woke at 1a.m. to rescue the bedroom windows again - must get some string to tie them so the winds can't keep flinging them wide open! Called the cats to see if they'd like to come in and two soggy moggies raced in out of the dark, stormy night. Shadow thought it was obviously breakfast time and wouldn't settle til I fed him some meat. I tried to ignore him, but gave in after half an hour and dropped a couple of chunks of cat meat into his bowl, and Arfa's of course, tho he was being a good boy and had settled ... Til 5.30a.m. when he decided it was safe to go out again, so up I got to let him out. Thankfully, Shadow decided to go out at the same time.

And I wonder why I'm so tired in the mornings and struggle to get out of bed at a decent hour! I asked Sav if he'd heard any of the night's goings on - " er, no "!!!

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