Chick Flick

By Flick


Can't find my go back button at the top of the computer page ! Where's it gone? gawd knows ! I bet my sons have something to do with it.
Also there are no dresses for women of a certain age in northampton about which I am thoroughly pissed off ... they , the dresses are too short I am 5' 8'' and i want a dress that goes below my knee ...if I was 5' 3'' all the dresses everywhere would be wonderful it makes me wish my mother had eat crisps and fizzy pop while she was pregnant and then i wouldn't be so tall......I am Moaning and I don't care ...
Also while I'm about it since I can't go backwards couldn't decide on what picture tonight so because I can't go backwards you get this one ...

Also turns out you have to BOOK every aquarobics session now even tho you have been going for months you still need to BOOK .... GRRR roar boo hooo grrr
Off to have a shower and go to BLUDDY bed

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