Joe's world in picture

By joejoe80

Happy 72nd Anniversary Dumbo

Yep that's my inspiration for todays blip.

Haven't been taking my camera out and about since the new job started so much as not really finding the chances to get a photo during the day. So apologies for the blips of late!

But I love dumbo so nice to include him in the blip!

In other news my 3 positive things from today:
1. Enjoyed a finger of fudge
2. Thought of a new exercise at the gym and used it in my routine
3. Sat in the middle of Waterloo bridge and helped a man having an SVT attack reduce his heart rate from 190 to 90

turned my day right around as it had started with being woken at 1.30am by men chainsawing the trees along the train track opposite our house, followed by me waking up 10 minutes after my train departs the station (forgot to set my alarm) and then being stuck on an already delayed train for an hour squished and standing.!

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