Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Mooning again

It's been a day pretty much like yesterday
A little more windy, a little wetter, a little colder (not that it's cold)
The sun came out late afternoon, just like yesterday
Reading about Raspberry Pi, looking for a new challenge.
The sky is clear, save for the odd cloud here and there.
The moon is beautiful in the north east, can see the Pleiades and the constellations of Auriga and Perseus.
Remembering Comet Holmes in Perseus a few years back, 2007
The first time I noticed it, it appeared to be an extra star in Perseus, I initially thought it was an iridium flare (iridium flare is the light that shines off the iridium communication satellites when the sun catches their mirrors) then I realised that it was not moving and if it was it would have passed quickly
A check on astro websites to find out what was going on revealed that it was a comet which had unexpectedly flared up. It was an impressive sight in binos and the cat for a few weeks.
The reason this came to mind is that I realised when I get a clear view of the constellation of Taurus this wintumn (autumn/winter) it is going to look like something is missing, looking at it last time Jupiter was an ever present and it didn't look out of place there either.
Also thought of Comet SW3 (Schwassmann-Wachmann 3, isn't google a wonderful thing)
In 2006, it was reported to be breaking up and I had the good fortune to observe it and a couple of the fragments with the cat over a few evenings in May of that year.
It was fascinating to watch it's movement over the space of a couple of hours, it was moving at a fair old lick
It seems like an age since I have spent the best part of the night under the stars, so hope my immune system recovers soon and the meds for the sores on my right eye can take effect.
Hope that you've all had a good day

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