a town called E.

By Eej

Autumn at Three Mile

We said hello to Diane & Roger who came to visit us from Oop North and goodbye to Mom & Dad B. who are going back to warmer territories this weekend.
I cycled to the lake through wind/rain/sun/rain/sun/wind/sun - all of which was kind of exciting but mostly cold.
I missed the snow though there were several sightings of it elsewhere.

Fun was had. Lots of food was had. Am tired. And full :)

My boss said today I am so efficient. Little things I am grateful for.

Reading lots of things about the yearly-but-extra-almost-violent-this year discussion about Zwarte Pieten. Think it's asinine that the UN feels it needs to get involved - and not just because the lady that said we "should just celebrate Christmas". Was also shocked to see that people use this discussion to just flaunt their rampant xenophobia. What the hell?

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