
By Bimjim4


This young Greenfinch flew against a plate glass door, and Fiona spotted it lying unconscious on the patio (the Greenfinch that is - not Fiona!)
Here it is, very dazed, cradled in my hand.
I must say that based on my previous experience of dealing with with small birds injured in this way, I was not very optimistic about its chances of survival. They are so fragile and delicate.
However I popped this one into a covered basket in the garage and left him in a quiet, dark place for half an hour. I expected to find it dead when I returned, but to my surprise, it had recovered consciousness and was fluttering to be let out.
The story ends happily. I took him into the garden, and, without a second's hesitation, he flew off strongly up and away over the cow pasture next door.
Let's hope he returns to the bird feeder again to build up his strength.

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