The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

Kelpie Canal

I wasn't the only shutterbug taking photos of the Kelpies tonight from this bridge. A guy stood next to me with a paparazzi lens and I guessed right that he'd been taking press photos outside Ineos on the other side of town.

I was expecting a conversation about that - people are talking about little else in Grangemouth - but he went off on a huge rant about the Kelpie horses. "As a piece of art they're f**ing shit!" was the most complementary thing he could say about them. He then went off on one about Andy Scott sculptures all over the area. I got a word in edgewise to disagree with him and say I was quite fond of them, as were most people I knew, and my kids love them, but I don't't run a string of art galleries like he does, so maybe I'm wrong to appreciate them.

..But then again, they're a damn sight better than all the big stone scultures of big-headed victorian philanthropists and dignitaries all over the place.

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